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Some Fishing & Non Fishing Stuff, But Guaranteed To Entertain You!


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Well, ive been missing in action for aaaaaaages, because of ultimate total exam death, and now its finally over!!! i have finished uni and will never see another day of it everrrrrrrr!!! WOOHOO!!!! Here's a highlight of all the funnies during my exam period, sure to crack a smile on yo face!

You know, during exam time, its so hard to get a decent meal because every second could make the difference between passing and dying... but, with some fish caught before and frozen until now, at least i got to eat something nice!


but, sooner or later, i knew the stress would get to me and my brother... and well, sure enough it did... and you know, when people say stressed so bad it was driving me up the wall?? yeah well guess what that can actually happen! proof:


ok ok, i think thats the point when you say im gonna take a break, so how about off to maccas and then drive over to prince of wales drive and eat while the sun rises... well, if anyone's been to that place, the number of flies there is probably enough to kill you... i think i had about 4 flies with my mcmuffin, and another 4 just from normal breathing... jeez.. not the best eh..... anyway, i reckon those 2 boats in the corner are raiders!!


alright, so maybe watching you guys fish wasnt such a good idea because afterwards all i wanted to do was fish!!! was like stuff study, must catch something to feel happy... but, you know when you are really down in the dumps and you just want life to give you a break and no matter what you do you just cant get a break? well, yeah.... so the only thing i caught was this:


does anyone know what this is??? is it edible??? is it poisonous??? is it poisonous that if i eat it or get stung by it my right hand will swell up so i cant do any exams??

anyway, after 10 hours of sleep spread over 5 DAYS, combined with 13 red bulls, i managed to pull off 2 exams and a 10,000 word thesis... what a struggle, and what a feeling... but there, i am finally done, after ever so long.... on the morning of the day i finished, the sunrise looked like this:


doesnt it look like god himself is smiling at me

ok, in other news, who wants to go fishing?????? im trying to get another gathering planned for EASTERN/MAROUBRA.... check the fishing trip section please!!! itll be a good one!!! a good one in terms of the company, i dunno if its goign to be good in terms of the fishing thats generally not the way it happens for me... but yeah, please come!

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Kelp fish ( Rock Cale) Mate, about as tasty as a pair of socks after a 50 km run, YUM,

next time you get into a few can you save me one?......... PLEASE!!!!

see ya on the SAND!!!!

Catch Ya


Edited by Bigfoot
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