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TheFoosh last won the day on January 29 2023

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    The Hills, Sydney

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  1. @scottyboy i will have to start measuring in longnecks instead of shoes! hahaha
  2. @Yowieyou know what they say about guys with big feet....... They catch big bass 🤣🤣🤣
  3. I have the 65lb Watersnake Geo-spot. I have never managed to drain the battery in a full day of fishing. 2 Caveats: 1. Buy the foot pedal. It doesn't come with one. Absolutely necessary. 2. Buy the additional external GPS fitting. It goes a bit crazy sometimes ueing the one built into the head of the unit. Other than that I am super happy with it for the price.
  4. Hi All, Does anyone have any tricks to restore spinnerbait blades that have tarnished? I have a few with dull blades that I want to restore without using chemicals etc that will deter the fish.
  5. Plenty of whiting on surface in Currambene Creek and mountains of flathead as well.
  6. Decided to run the Tiemco cocadas and see what my luck would bring. Ended up boating 8 fish in a few hours. My shoe is a size 13 to give context to the fish size. Going to try the Creature Baits frogs next week and see if they like them.
  7. How about we do a Georges River Social? Chipping Norton Lake has heaps of parking, easy access and plenty of good fishing nearby.
  8. @jenno64 Chipping Norton Lake and Lake Moore.
  9. Chasing Jewies is awesome. Once you learn their movements and the spots they like to haunt, you can reliably go back and keep finding them. Lake Macquarie is an awesome fishery glad to see it is producing the goods for you.
  10. Same here Frank. Having a good yarn before and after is just as much fun as heading out and landing a few.
  11. Is it possible to organise a social day? In the past there used to be semi-frequent meets in Sydney but haven't seen one for ages. Maybe a bass social or bream social?
  12. @fish-aholic it's my local so I sorta know a few tricks. It's worth a shot if you have a kayak or boat.
  13. How is the ramp at Bridge to Nowhere after the floods? Still good for launching? Well done on the bass!
  14. You might find it hard to have just 1 outfit that can do it all but for your price point the Atomic Arrowz and the TD Hyper rods are really good value. Any of the entry levels reels from Daiwa or Shimano will be fine. Personally I am a Daiwa fanboy and could recommend their stuff as I use it, I am not familiar with Shimano. If you are going to spend $300 on a rod then I would highly recommend you go all the way to around $380 and look at a Millerods XFLC. I have a whole heap of them and they are the most versatile rod I have ever owned. The action is unparalleled. Whatever the outcome, the addiction begins with the first outfit and then you'll want a second one 😂😂😂
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